Friday 24 April 2009

Catherines Meat Monday on Wednesday

Catherine broke the rules by moving her turn at Meat Monday to Wednesday. I'll let her off though as it was a bit more spectacular than usual.

She had invited some French geezer round and wanted to show him that English food is edible.

Classic roast chicken was the meat and it was joined by roast potatoes, sausages wrapped in bacon and some veg.

Catherine roasted two birds to cater to a few more meat Monday guests than normal. She rubbed a mixture of garlic, lemon zest, herbs (sage, rosemary and thyme) and butter under the skin of the chickens making sure that she didn't break it. The chickens cavities were also stuffed with half a onion and lemon each.

They turned out good. A good roasting does impress a lot. The herby butter under the skin really does add to the flavour and improves the quality of the skin making it crispy in parts and flavoursome all over.

Catherine made the sausages wrapped in bacon herself using decent chipolatas and good quality streaky bacon. They were good. Before this I had only eaten the ready made frozen kind.

The potatoes were also another first for me as they were cooked in goose fat.

This is something I have always wanted to try but never actually got round to. They were roasted the standard way. Maris Piper variety par-boiled before being put into a roasting dish with the hot fat.

The goose fat makes the potatoes surprisingly light or at least a bit lighter than using vegetable oil. They also crisped up beautifully with lovely fluffy centres.

The veg was courgettes which were slowly sweated in garlic and butter until they became soft and tasty. We also had some steamed green beans.

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